.. include:: preamble.txt :Authors: John Kendrick, Andrew Burnett :EMail: john@kendrick.me.uk, a.d.burnett@leeds.ac.uk .. meta:: :description: PDielec package for the calculation of infrared and terahertz absorption from QM calculations :keywords: Quantum Mechanics, Effective Field Theory, Maxwell, Garnett, Mie, Infrared, Terahertz, Castep, Abinit, VASP, GULP. QE ======== Contents ======== This is the documentation for the PDielec package. The package takes output from DFT calculations and calculates a material's infrared and terahertz response. For single crystals (thin films or slabs), a generalized transfer matrix or a scattering matrix method is used. For powdered material in a support matrix, an effective medium theory is used which can take into accounnt the effect of shape and particle size. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :numbered: introduction installation pdgui software theory_powder theory_single_crystal analysis application_notes_1 application_notes_2 zreferences Search ====== * :ref:`search`